During the early days of World War II, before the United States entered the war, England stood alone as the sole defender of freedom in Europe. An evil German dictator named Adolph Hitler had already conquered most of western Europe. But he still wanted to conquer Great Britain. Some leaders in Britain were in favor of giving in to Germany demands, but Churchill was determined to fight for his nation’s future.

In 1941, during a time when the future of the war was in doubt, Churchill returned to his old boarding school and gave a speech to the students. That speech became famous, and it’s now known as the “Never Give In Speech.”

In that speech, Churchill said, “Never give in. Never give in. Never, never, never—in nothing great or small, large or petty—never give in except to conviction of honor and good sense.” Churchill understood the power of perseverance. You should understand it, too.

Quotes by Winston Churchill

“Courage is the first of human qualities because it is the quality which guarantees all the others.”

“Nourish your hopes but do not overlook realities.”

“What we require to do now is to stand erect and look the world in the face and do our duty without fear or favor.”

“The price of greatness is responsibility.”

“The future is in our hands. Our lives are what we choose to make them.”

“The empires of the future are the empires of the mind.”

Important Dates in the Life of Winston Churchill


1874: Winston Churchill is born on November 30 at his family’s home: Blenheim Palace in Oxfordshire, England.


1900: At the age of 25, his political career begins when he is elected to the House of Commons. In that same year, he makes a speaking tour of America. His first lecture is introduced by the writer Mark Twain.


1911 – 1915: Churchill serves as First Lord of the Admiralty, which makes him the political head of the Royal Navy.


1940 – 1945: Churchill is Prime Minister of the United Kingdom during World war II.


1951 – 1955: Churchill once again serves as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.


1965: Churchill dies on January 24th, at the age of 90.